The Anarcho-Fascist Manifesto (2021)
* Source: Retrieved on 17/4/2022 from zeroschizo's medium
* First published: by CNT/S-1611 from Mexico
CNT or the National Tempestist Coordination
Today, April 20, 2021, we decreed the birth of the NTC, this being our first day of public struggle for the Tempestist Revolution: calling for the organization of our struggle and resistance. Our only objective is the destruction of the system and our fight is against its representatives. Our aim is the coordination of all those with the same objective, organizing all groups and individuals in a resistance without leaders. We do not have an interest in political militancy, we are only interested in action and our only law is The Tempest.
If we wanted to use a label to enclose our free will of action in its political terms, this label would be that of Anarcho-Fascism. Uniting the most radical point of the left and the most radical extreme of the right (removing in the process everything that is left and right), we would have the closest thing to the Tempestist worldview within political language.
Anarcho-Fascism is Tempestism and Tempestism is an eternal “YES” to the struggle, and beyond that, it is to provoke the conflict itself from within and outside of itself. An inexhaustible war against the ego, against the person, against the whole. That is why we find it necessary to expose and structure the vision of the world of the current 1611, as is done here in this manifesto that coordinates the external struggle of anyone who shares our vision of the cosmos or who seeks our same goals even without our optics.
Tempestism does not seek members, Tempestism is born to raise the voice among neighbors and call equals. Wherever it comes from, what we want is to celebrate with those few destined for the heights. Our ideal does not belong to this world, and its goal is a throne above the stars and higher still.
The way in which we will achieve our objectives is by presenting Tempestism to the world and by practicing the Tempestist hypothesis, which we have to call Anarcho-Fascism to cause maximum stridency in those who are not able to act alongside us in order to attack all separately but to the same objective, each one seeking the same goal through his own method and at his own pace, but never stopping in the search for the conquest of the State and the total destruction of the system.
The NTC arises as the materialization of the 7 aesthetic points of the Tempestist artistic avant-garde, organizing a front of action inspired by that particular vision of the cosmos: we cannot use hope to combat the nihilism of the modern world, but on the contrary. The revolutionary storm will bring the star to the gloomy world of the spiritual desert that today dominates the majority.
We demand the creation of a new man and the right to find our own destiny by destroying the only thing that prevents us from reaching it: the system, the modern world and its consequences. We are this new revolutionary elite above the theses of the past, we are neither Fascists nor Communists, we are what is above them.
«We will discipline the anarchist and make him anarch. we will take away the state from the Fascist and we will make it people. We will give a homeland to the Communist and we will make him Fascist. We will give a spirit to man and we will make him a Tempest. Let the people rise up and the Tempest breaks loose!».
«Anarchists are said to have no vision and do nothing but destroy. The only way they find any vision is to find the possibility of Fascism». — Koichi Toyama
«Down with the State under all its manifestations and incarnations. (…) For us who are morituri of individualism, it gives us nothing more than, because of the present darkness and the gloomy tomorrow, the absurd religion, but always consoling, of anarchy!». — Benito Mussolini
Towards a Nationalism without a State
«The state is not the homeland; it is the abstraction, the metaphysical, mystical, political and legal fiction of the homeland. The popular masses of all countries deeply love their homeland, but that is a natural, real love». — Mikhail Bakunin
The historical nation is a bourgeois invention of the modern world at the service of the system, sacrificing men and their wills on the altar of artificial limits and constitutions of a Masonic nature. For us the people is the true Homeland, the people is the ethnic-cultural bond that associates freely and voluntarily according to tribal criteria. Cultural union and identity do not respond to or need permits, constitutions or democracies; the nation is the people and nothing else.
The diluted concept of “nation” does not mean at all for us Anarcho-Fascists any state entity, but refers only to a de facto formation, an organic and natural community.
In the words of the Mexican Fascist writer José Luis Ontiveros: we do not have roots in an [already existing] land that protects us because we reproach the one where we were born for its tendency to abjection, lack of creativity, the lethargy of being: us Anarcho-Fascists seek to create (not reestablish) a new nation, and this implies the disintegration of any state entity that acts falsely on behalf of the nation.
We know well that the totalitarian state of the historical Fascist doctrine falls into a mechanism of centralization, into the bureaucracy of party officials and into massification, while the organic community consists of a tribe, federation or nation made up of different articulated autonomous communities. by a superior tribal will that supports and guides them insofar as it is an integrating unit.
The Fascist totalitarianism is a system in which unity is imposed from the outside, not on the basis of the intrinsic force of a common idea and a natural and recognized authority, but by way of direct intervention: and thus also the apparatus politician at the service of mediocre man who, unable to naturally exercise his own will, seizes government powers to carry out his whims. In the same way, we believe that placing moral authority in the hands of the State and not of the people themselves, as the old Mussolini Fascism did, results in a serious poison to national sentiment.
Fascism as True Anarchism
«At heart, we are Anarcho-Fascists». — Robert Brasillach, French Fascist and martyr of the Révolution Nationale
The first French National-Syndicalism (see Sorel, Proudhon, Valois and Berth) rose as the reverse of Anarcho-Syndicalism, as the «nationalization» of the anarchist union, of municipalism and of the agrarian community, in addition to voluntarism, its idea of «Anti-party» and its use of violence.
Italian Fascism was engendered as the political materialization of National-Syndicalist (French) ideas adapted to the cultural and national idiosyncrasies of the Italian people.
This being the case, historical anarchism at times approaches Fascism, becoming on more than one occasion to transform itself into it, as shown by the vicissitudes of Italian avant-garde groups.
Both political tendencies coincide in the demand for independent political action, and there weren’t few the anarchists who joined the efforts of Fascism (Massimo Rocca, Maria Rygier, Leandro Arpinati, Filippo Turati, Guido Calogero, Antonio Capizzi, Mario Carli, Giovanni Papini, Mario Merlino, Berto Ricci, Ferruccio Vecchi, Marc Augier), seeing in it the possibility of a verticalized anarchy. «Weren’t we all anarchists?», said the Italian Anarcho-Fascist, Berto Ricci when he was questioned about his Left-Libertarian militancy.
Our purpose is the creation of a Hispanic homologue to what Fascism was (understood as a purely European phenomenon): to fuse the ideas of National-Syndicalism taking as a base Iberian Anarcho-Communism and «nationalizing it», being based on the identity and tribal idiosyncrasy; to go back to Anarchism from Fascism just as Ernesto Gimenez Caballero thought. It is about adapting Ramiro Ledesma Ramos’ ideas to our anarchist present.
A Führer for each Man and for each People a Country
«We do not love Hitler because he represents an element of order in Germany. We love him because he represents an element of disorder in Europe». — Berto Ricci, Italian Anarcho-Individualist.
«The Anarch is to anarchism what the Monarch is to monarchism». — Ernst Jünger
It is in this sense that we find in anarchy the delusional and determined assertion of authority. We understand anarchism as the duty, but even also the right, of an individual minority, of a spiritual elite, made up of brave undisciplined soldiers. Anarchists with a clear idea of order, illustrious militants who abandon traditional antimilitarist and anti-authoritarian positions for the use of daggers is how we define ourselves.
This deep sense of inner leadership in which each man has to be dictator of himself is that of the anarchist crowned according to Artaud: one who does not accept any law; and he is the master. “A Führer for each man and for each people a homeland” as the maximum revolutionary slogan.
We do not respond to any other principle than that of inner leadership, a profound sense of autonomy in which our individualism becomes dictatorial; this without abandoning the essential sense of tribal comradery between those who are supportive of us.
This revolutionary elite will be forged in the struggle, in the long march towards the renovation of the being. It wouldn’t be precise to personalize power but instead to deposit it in the hands of this strident minority and whose men would act according to an autonomous and independent inventiveness.
This is how we reject the moral commandments dictated by Kropotkin and his sacred calls for tolerance, empathy and inclusion that make freedom from anarchism see as a collective enterprise, knowing that in reality it is an adventure of the most high aristocracy; this even if the Tempest is waiting for us, it will be our Tempest.
Anarcho-Fascism proposes to reach the organic community through a free political federation (meaning all spontaneous political-spiritual formation between free individuals), thus ignoring the authority models suggested by the State. A society of leaders with no one to lead: a true tribe, a true people and an organized community.
The Anarcho-Fascist ideal is built on a principle of tribal authority that would give the organization these elites endowed with a strong feeling of autonomy. That is to say, we Anarcho-Fascists only recognize as leaders those figures of organic authority who take over the reins of the community with the favor of its members, this being the case of great figures such as Buenaventura Durruti, Néstor Majnó, Gabriele D’Annunzio among many others. All of these, without the support of the law or any other form of false authority, directed their communities.
We are sailors on land in a way that they have separated us from our homeland, the sea, the Tempest, and here, within the system, we will function like bandits until we recover this right. We have already lost respect for the severe law.
We do not hate authority, but those who exercise it without being worthy of it. These parasitic entities of a bureaucratic apparatus that act in the name of a predatory and rotten state are enemies of all people and their proper identities. Our law is written in heaven, projected in the hearts of a few, and it can never be put on paper, but we know it from the blood.
After the historical defeat that brought the end of the war, we Fascists discarded the statist element of our ideal: because no State will look after our interests, and as long as power is in the hands of others, the only way to be a Fascist is to behave anarchically.
It is this hidden, passionate and febrile character of the contagious delirium of the fascio the one which allows us to overcome the political condition of Fascism, to root out the State and then having its pure spirit with us. The taste for anarchy, the discipline of chaos and the revolt of the youth who Romanly salute the black aurora: the banner of those who reject certain things not only for the mere enjoyment of rejection, but instead because his values do not coincide with the current values, because he rejects the modern world and its bourgeois values, and aspires to a superior freedom, just as to a severe discipline.
And this great mystery of the Fascist spirit is precisely our gift to anarchism, forging new men among its ranks; creating Anarchs.
Pirate Autarchy
«A bomb in the hand of an anarchist is like a rifle in the hands of a patriot soldier: both are a sign of rebellion and a means to achieve health and moral hygiene». — F.T. Marinetti
Anarcho-Fascism ignores all economic theory, embracing the idea of a vitalist voluntarism guided by a sense of tribal identity: a union socialism conditioned by the national myth of “our fellow men”, a market for the circulation of wealth, but exclusive of business and barter.
There is within our ideal a tendency towards organized banditry; the possibility of counteracting the effects of a parasitic system such as the one we live in (understood as capitalism) through clandestine expropriation and the reappropriation of assets through theft and mutual coordination.
Anarcho-Fascism considers the economic question in such a way that it demands, above all, that each worker must possess his means of production, whatever their type, thus offering the possibility of a complete productive autonomy contrary to the collectivization of the means. of production without falling into their monopolization: a condition that would lead the individual to make use of their own efforts within the commune without generating exploitation among men of the same caste.
This form of retribution according to merit, this hierarchical Communism, would be accompanied by a strong sense of belonging that, added to the principle of mutual assistance, would make it possible to cope with the collective needs of the tribe through tribute.
Only between equals of spirit material equity is achieved and with it the true communal organization within the people. Therefore, we propose not only looting on a small scale, but on a global scale. Infiltrate, appropriate and dominate any land no matter how much we despise artificial borders. This is our proposal.
We promote the most radical nationalism outside our homelands as the seed of Tempestism, the looting of territories and the genocide of anyone outside our border, playing their game, but in our favor, always everything in our favor.
For foreigners we will be a tribe of Zapatist bandits who invade their homes with the cry of:
Land and Tempest!
For the common citizen we will be the ghost that runs through its streets and offices, sabotaging all that comfort that made them weak, and it will be when they find themselves in the middle of nowhere that we will be the demon that whispers in their ear ideas of guillotines in the plinth.
We will use your institutions to sabotage your entire system and tear down your system to steal your entire planet. Any action, however contradictory it may be, makes sense within Tempestism. The systematic practice of cannibalism to eliminate the hunger of the masses, together with the practice of Santeria and shamanism as foundations of a self sustaining economy based on the spiritual needs of the tribe are our only economic proposals.
These esoteric meanings within the community economy seek to break in with the commonly inert degrading materialism of all chrematistic doctrine, elevating the mundane condition of the mercantile system to a project of collective spiritual realization.
Everything within this cosmos is touched by the ray of the Tempest, the possible and the impossible become one as long as one of us is present.
For the conquest and destruction of the system, let’s look at each other head-on.
Tempest or Death!
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