Why We Link Our Work To The Proudhonian Spirit by Georges Valois (1912)

* Source: Retrieved on 16/4/2022 from https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1610083#Why
* First published: In Cahiers du Cercle Proudhon/1
Cahiers du Cercle Proudhon, 1912 (p. 34-47).

We have the honor to open our study circle before you and to publicly begin our work under the voice of P.-J. Proudhon. We thought that, placing ourselves, integral nationalists under such patronage, it would be useful to explain, even for informed people, the choice of our patron. But before I tell you why we link our work to the Proudhonian spirit, I ask your permission to present to you some thoughts on the formation of the circle itself. First of all, a point of history. Last May, some of our students asked me to join them in organizing a study circle, not a social (I will tell you why later), but an economic one. I do not want to hide from you the name of one of our friends from whom this idea was born in the form I am indicating to you. It is Henri Lagrange. So much to inform Professor Bouglé, and to enable him to complete, in a second edition of his Sociology of Proudhon, the dubious note he devoted to our Circle. The founding of the Circle presented some difficulties. When a few people come together to study improperly named social problems (because they are only political, or economic, or religious), there is a very great danger. It is the corruption of principles and people. There is a strong risk of forming a worldly group that will grow in the world by using its love for men, its pity for the humble, or of preparing intellectuals for the exploitation of workers' passions. You can clearly see that the first form of danger does not threaten us. We could have feared the second, if we had offered ourselves the sole study of labor issues and the preparation for a sort of social and national apostolate among the working classes. You already know that our intentions are quite different and that they rigorously exclude anything that could recall this hypocritical form of political action which is so-called popular action. You will not find men here looking for the means to teach people to abandon their errors; who would have the unbearable pretension to guide them, to direct them, and who would profess to be their representatives to the ruling classes and future powers. The report that I had the honor of presenting to the last Action française Congress gave you the necessary details on this crucial point. We came together, each one here preserving his family spirit, profession, body, and class (especially class), to make a work of which I would dare say (although the term is singularly dishonored today) that it will be scientific. We all have very clear ideas on the political problem. We are also fully aware of our national quality. It remains for us to know, in view of our action, in view of the organization in which we are called to take part, each in our class, it remains for us to know the world in which we live, and particularly under one of its aspects which is among the most obscure, the economic one. We will have to live in this world. For us, it is a question of knowing what place we occupy there, what role we must play there, always placing above our concerns, in our studies, the national interest. We cannot think of relying on our inner feeling (which is naturally not excluded), because this feeling, if it must be the motive of our action, is perfectly blind and calls, to be satisfied, the collaboration of knowledge, intelligence. We have to discover for ourselves where nobles, bourgeois and workers, our good and our evil, are in this domain of the economy. I told you that we will do scientific work. But you have seen that this work will be done for the purpose of action. I do believe that we are passionate about knowledge. But we are not contemplators; we are not interested in the phenomena of the world as spectators. We do not separate thought from action. And we are neither salon people nor cabinet people. We are all at the heart of the present realities, and those that are most pressing. We know, not from books, but from personal experience, not only the daily problems of life, but the serious problems which arise in the mind and soul of the French. If we want to do scientific work here, it is in order to serve our common life, and our distinct interests. And what life? It is French life. What interests? these are our interests of family, profession, and class. This tells you that we add to our appetite for knowledge a deep feeling, a lively human passion. Very precisely, we seek to know the current forms of the economy to discover the conditions of the French order and, in French society, the order of classes, the organs proper to each which will favor them without breaking national ties, and without losing sight of the reason that all these conditions are attached to an eternal order, to which the French order is linked, as the western oak is linked to the law of growth that governs the tropical palm tree. This knowledge acquired in common, we will separate for practical action; each of us will return to his hereditary home, his wife and children, his laboratory, his workshop or his office, his association where he will find his peers with whom he will work for the organization of the French country, according to his own law, according to the command of his ancestors, and according to the conscience of his interests, in his republic, under the protection of the King of France. Having undertaken this task, we looked for a patron. We wanted them to belong to the French tradition, to the most authentic and oldest French tradition, that which was born and formed in the heart of the French peasant, that it belonged at the same time to the race of new manufacturers, and that it might reconcile in itself, in addition to certain civic virtues that we place very high, two forces that are opposite and that have made war in nineteenth-century democracy, agricultural force and industrial force. Our intentions explain to you the homage we paid to the memory of P.-J. Proudhon. People who know the history of counter-revolutionary ideas will not ask us for any justification for our choice. They remember that Drumont often relied on Proudhonian thought, that Maurras discovered, in the author of the Federation in Italy, the perfect sense of French policy, that Dimier placed Proudhon among the masters of the counter-Revolution, which Bainville, finally, united in the same dedication, the pontifical Zouaves and the revolutionary thinker who "in his full freedom of mind, rediscovered the policy of the kings of France." And they are not unaware that two French writers, who have made in France the strongest criticism of democracy, from the syndicalist point of view, Georges Sorel and Édouard Berth, are all imbued with the purest Proudhonian spirit. The recognized part that Proudhon took in the movement of counter- revolutionary ideas will therefore be, in the eyes of all, our first justification. But there is more, we believe. It is not only Proudhon criticizing democracy, socialism and anarchism that we will invoke here. It is Proudhon the constructor. It is on this that I especially want to give you some explanations. Proudhon, critic of democracy, socialism and anarchism, papal Proudhon, was at the same time a democrat, a socialist and an anti- clerical, if not anti-Catholic, and although he had none of the characteristics that we know of the anarchist, his reaction against the state often led him to strongly anarchic movements. It is even fair to say that most of our contemporaries hardly know him except under this last aspect: "Property is theft!" - "God is evil!" Two formulas inseparable, in the minds of the greatest number, from the memory of Proudhon and which sum up his work. You know how insufficient it is, how wrong it is, you even know what to hear in those cries. You know that the first Proudhonian criticism of property resulted in one of the strongest defenses of property that have ever been made; you also know that among the writers of the nineteenth-century, Proudhon is one of those who had the deepest understanding of Catholicism. But the fact remains that Proudhon is a son of the Revolution, a lost child of 1789, and that he had the revolutionary faith. And, nevertheless, he is a builder. Even with his revolutionary faith, he builds, he has the passion for construction, for organized, orderly, disciplined life. Even dominated by the guiding ideas of the Revolution, to the point that he gave his Theory of Property the conclusion that the right of the owner is just and necessary because it ensures Liberty (and he writes the word Liberty in capital letters, and he understands it in the revolutionary sense); even directed, inspired, aroused by revolutionary enthusiasm, he opposes with all the strength of his blood, with all the vigor of his thought, the anarchy resulting from 1789. And here is the truth which appears to us. Proudhon is eternal France suffering in the nineteenth-century the intellectual anarchy of the eighteenth-century, which continues to repeat the senseless words imposed in its memory, but whose peasant and workers' hands, trained by toil in the arts of life, reproduce the traditional gestures of work and whose intelligence, disciplined by the centuries, seeks order in this new world where it sees only the signs of disorder. Well! Gentlemen, this anguish, this research of Proudhon, was ours, and I say more, it is still ours. We have been in the same moral and intellectual anarchy as Proudhon. Like him, we have endured the prestige of the eighty-nine clouds. But, thanks to the genius of Maurras, we have resolved the first of problems, the problem which commands all the others, and without the solution of which no other can be solved, the political problem, the problem of the State. We are consciously, very consciously counter- revolutionaries. And from our knowledge of the first solutions, our awareness of the national interest flows from the principles which will be applied to the economy. But what work do we have left here to do? A whole world of new forms has been born. Which forms are good, which are excellent, and which are bad, which are harmful? We have to discover them, to recognize them, to estimate them, in order to predict how we will use them, under the monarchy, for our common good and for our particular good. To a few young men who questioned him one day about these serious problems, Maurras replied: "It is up to the second generation of Action française to resolve these questions and apply their solutions." One of the first steps these young men took was to go to Proudhon. For the reasons I told you, and for others. In this area, Proudhon represents more than the counter-revolution. The Proudhonian spirit represents a revolutionary value that we can incorporate into our own values, I would say better: that we find in our own movement. When we consider the French problem in all its extent, in all its aspects, political, social, economic, moral, religious, from the point of view where we place ourselves, at Action française, what do we see and what do we foresee? Do we just see a nation that has made some intellectual mistakes and has given itself an absurd diet, and do we simply foresee a regime change, the effects of which would spread throughout the nation through all bodies? Will all the groups currently in existence bring us, the French, all the benefits that we expect? We French nationalists know perfectly well that such views and such forecasts would be completely insufficient. We know perfectly well that one can hear nothing, absolutely nothing, about the current political and economic problems, if one does not look at them in the light of the admirable and profound theory of Maurras on the Four Confederate States. Under this dazzling illumination, everything lights up. The French nation appears as a conquered nation, deprived of its national state, and dominated by a confederation of four groups. Jews, Protestants, Masons, Métèques, who constitute a distinct State, whose interests are completely opposed to ours, which deals with the Foreigner according to his particular interest and which associates with him for the plundering of the nation. And these Four States, this Confederation, this State which is above all, at present, Jewish, and which is sometimes either an extension of the German State, or an extension of the English State, is not at all built in the image of the disorder that we see in French society. It has a political order which maintains cohesion in Confederation but whose function is to maintain disorder in French society, which sort of does what the Manchus did in Chinese society. The Confederation which reigns in France imposes a moral order on us, a social order, a religious order, which are created to ensure its domination; above all it has an economic order which allows them to exploit us, to strip us and even to expel us, to take our ground, this for the benefit of the Foreigner. In short, in France, currently, there is no longer a French order. There is an order, in the defense of which a certain number of French participate, conscious traitors or demi-dupes, or fools, or idiots (as there are Hindus who defend the order of His Britannic Majesty in India), but this order is not ours. And faced with this situation, our movement is necessarily both counter-revolutionary, in that it tends to re-establish the centerpiece of the French order, the monarchy, and revolutionary. It is here that we meet Proudhon, as Maurras and Bainville met him in the royal chancellery. This revolutionary passion which drives Proudhon is ours. In the France where he lived, with the French order inscribed in his blood, Proudhon did not recognize in this social order, which was already the foreign capitalist order, the extension, into the new economic world, of the French order transformed according to its tradition. He has been criticized for being an opponent of the social order, for being an anarchist in everything. Ah! Gentlemen, those who have addressed this reproach to him have not seen the flame which illuminates his work; they did not see that the social order that they themselves were defending was not the traditional social order that their fathers had bequeathed to them, that it was already a foreign order, and that the true defender of our interests, our historical rights, to us French, was P.-J. Proudhon. It is in this, in this deep reaction, that the Proudhonian spirit manifests itself; it is this spirit that we invoke to preside over our work. With this spirit, with this passion, we will continue the Proudhonian research, but with other methods, and guided by unassailable political doctrines, we will seek to know our world, the French world enriched and transformed by the industry of our fathers, to live there according to our law and our right. It is therefore a new work that we are undertaking and, as Galland told you, we will not be doing a Proudhonian exegesis here. But we will not deprive ourselves of the assistance of the revolutionary analyst; we will read his works, and we will comment on them, which is moreover essential to understand some aspects of French intellectual life and of workers' organization. Someone who is more qualified than myself will tell you about Proudhon himself and all his work. But I cannot refrain from quoting to you this evening a few pages which support what I have said to you. I hope that those who have come here and who do not know Proudhon will take away the memory of a few words, in which they will recognize an accent which in no way recalls the accent of Geneva or Königsberg, let them know how deeply Proudhon had understood our history, and how much respect he had for it. Here is a page taken from the Solution of the Social Problem: "Tell me about the feudal property which lasted until 1789, which had spread, deeply rooted among the bourgeois and the peasants, but which, for sixty years, suffered, even in the countryside, such profound modifications. Here again, the principle of the division of industries hardly existing, property was everything; the family was like a small, closed world without external communications. We spent whole years almost without money; nothing was drawn from the city; each at home, each for himself; we didn't need anyone. Property was a truth; the man, by property, was complete. It was under this regime that the strong race which brought about the old revolution was formed. Also, see what men! what characters! what vigorous personalities! With these iron natures, we have only soft, flabby and lymphatic temperaments. Such was the general economy of society in 1789: the independence of fortunes provided the security of the people." Do you recognize the French, the real French, the man of the land of France? And you will recognize him again, you will recognize the peasant who defended his soil, who fought with Joan of Arc, with Henry IV, with Turenne, and in the armies of the Republic and the Empire; the French soldier, the French warrior, but larger than life, seeing his arms trace the characters of a law of the world. Let's open this admirable book, War and Peace: "Hello to war! It is through her that man, scarcely emerging from the mud which served as his womb, arises in his majesty and in his valor; it is on the body of a fallen enemy that he has his first dream of glory and immortality. This spilled blood, this fratricidal carnage, horrifies our philanthropy. I am afraid that this softness announces the cooling of our virtue. Support a great cause in a heroic fight, where the honor of the fighters and the presumptive rights are equal, and at the risk of giving or receiving death, what is so terrible? What is especially immoral? Death is the crown of life, how could man, an intelligent, moral and free creature, end more nobly? Wolves, lions, no more than sheep and beavers, do not wage war against each other: this remark has long been made a satire against our species. How can we not see, on the contrary, that this is the sign of our greatness; that if, by impossible, nature had made of man an exclusively industrious and sociable animal, and not a warrior, he would have fallen, from the first day, to the level of the beasts whose association forms all destiny; he would have lost, with the pride of his heroism, his revolutionary faculty, the most wonderful of all and the most fruitful! Living in a pure community, our civilization would be a stable. Would we know what man is worth without war? Do we know what peoples and races are worth? Are we making progress? Would we only have this idea of value, transported from the language of the warrior into that of the merchant? There is not a people, having acquired some renown in the world, which does not boast above all of its military annals: these are its finest titles in the esteem of posterity. Are you going to make notes of infamy out of them? Philanthropist, you speak of abolishing war; be careful not to degrade the human race." Professor Bouglé will tell us that this apology for war ends with a condemnation of war. Hey! we know it better than he does. We read at the end of the book the sentence that Proudhon wrote in capital letters HUMANITY DOESN'T WANT WAR ANYMORE. But we also know by what error, which some of us have known in our minds, Proudhon had come to this conclusion. And they know very well that this book, which ends with an anti-war statement, remains, from the front line to the last, a warrior book; they know that if Proudhon concluded thus, it is because he believed, not in the disappearance, but in the transformation of war. New work would no doubt have corrected and completed these conclusions. On this point, as on so many others, one can imagine that Proudhon would have known the adventure which, from his first memoirs on property, led him to this strong Theory of Property, in which we find so many pages that many of us would sign, if they didn't find the terms a little harsh - from the cry: "Property is theft!" Of this first negation, which, according to him, was the first step of the critic, of the social explorer, what does Proudhon achieve? This: "Property, if we understand the origin, is a vicious and anti-social principle, but destined to become, by its very generalization and by the help of other institutions, the pivot and the great mainspring of the whole social system. The principle of property is ultra- legal, extra-legal, absolutist, selfish in nature to the point of iniquity: it must be so. Its counterbalance is reason of state, absolutist, ultra-legal, illiberal and governmental, to the point of oppression: it must be so. This is how, in the predictions of universal reason, the principle of egoism, usurper by nature and improbable, becomes an instrument of justice and order, to such an extent that property and law are inseparable and almost synonymous ideas. Property is selfishness idealized, consecrated, invested with a political and legal function. This must be so because law is never better observed than when it finds a defender in egoism and in the coalition of egoisms." What would we blame for these analyses and these strong assertions? To be too harsh, to overly neglect the softening of the State and property brought on by centuries of Christian and French civilization. But the spirit and the doctrine are ours, almost without reservations. It would be futile to wonder to what extent Proudhon would have continued his reconnaissance, his discoveries. I do not know if the paths, if the rough hazardous roads which he followed would have brought him to the royal road. But, sure enough, he was on a French road, and we know very well where the curve of his prolonged thought takes in our century. The house where we speak is one of the places where the Proudhonian spirit lives again. Professor Bouglé and M. Herriot can call Proudhon to their aid; it is not among them that Proudhonian thought passes; M. Herriot does democratic politics, M. Bouglé makes books for democracy; what does this have to do with the Proudhonian work? We are the sons of Proudhon; we who are neither politicians nor bookmakers, we who want to labor and organize our country. It is we who revive these two French virtues, at least one of which animates all the work of the Proudhonians and the other of which reveals this spirit of independence, the republican pride, and this monarchical loyalty which the Flemish, the Breton, the Lyonnais, the Provençal, and any man of the French country at last, would be killed in the defense of the rights and freedoms which ensure his life, because he wants to live by working or dying while fighting, but is ready to die as well, with joy, with happiness, for our Lord the King of France.


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