Declaration by Résistance! (1997)
And the union of resistance circles.
* Source: Archived from the original on 26/2/2000. Retrieved on 23/5/2022 and translated from French by me, d'Arma.
Various meetings of revolutionary nationalist cadres have taken place since February 1997 to discuss the situation and the future of our movement. It came to the conclusion that our movement, even if it has experienced a decline in terms of staff and a decline in its activities, can experience a revival due to competent executives but underemployed, dedicated activists but who lack a structure and a fairly large but poorly mobilized base of supporters.
The real alternative:
From these meetings was born a conviction: a future is possible for revolutionary nationalism, but it must know how to adapt to the political situation at hand (the absolute supremacy of the national front over the national movement) and negotiate the transition from group organization - that is to say the utopia of creating a Leninist-NR party - to that of a network.
But for this conviction to become a reality, it is still necessary to act. Here is what the revolutionary and revolutionary nationalist executives and activists are proposing, most of them, signatories of “L’appel des 31” came from various organizations and periodicals, who took the decision to found “Résistance!”
Our goal is to dominate the national movement, the thing that belongs to us - all it - without compromise or denial. But we can only claim this thing by regrouping around a press organ which will be at the same time radical, unitary and transversal; and which will be the showcase of our counter-culture, of our view of the world.
"Résistance!" is therefore radical because it is not being held to certain potential by a career plan or by electoral concerns, we have full latitude to call a spade a spade. Our line is therefore hard, revolutionary and without any compromise. We give reason to Nietzsche who wrote: “Hard is the time in which we live. Hard are our ideas. Everything must become even harder”.
"Résistance!" is also unitary because we aim to give a substantial press organ to all those who within the national movement define themselves as revolutionary nationalists, national Bolsheviks, conservative revolutionaries, radicals, populists, etc.
"Résistance!" is finally transverse because for us the notions of right and left no longer have any meaning. The caesura does not pass at this level, it passes between the rebels and the lackeys of the system. The revolutionary United Front line that some of us theorized as early as 1991 is still valid.
By the way, “Resistance!” contributes to the extent of its means to the development of a political and existential counter-culture. By placing ourselves at the level of activists - and not at that of self-proclaimed intellectuals - we live to provide them with a global view of the world that integrates our past (our "Duty of memory"!), our leisure activities, our conception of time and life, etc.
But in our spirit “Résistance!” doesn't have to be just a magazine. Serious collaborators, comrades engaged with us in meta-networks and active subscribers (that is to say who agree to pay a minimal contribution) are invited to gather in Resistance Circles. These circles, which are endowed with an internal bulletin “La Lettre du Réseau”, publish under their name targeted propaganda material without having any groupuscular will.
The adventure of the revival of revolutionary nationalism begins. Live it with us! Resistance!
This text appeared for the first time in number 6 of Jeune Resistance in April 1997. It was signed by 31 revolutionary or revolutionary nationalist executives and militants. Since then, more than fifty other signatures have joined those of the precursors.
While our nation is going through decisive times, while we are witnessing the growth of a great national and popular movement that responds to the concerns and expectations of the French people, while revolutionary forces are mobilizing against them -popular from the extreme left to the conservative and reactionary right, the revolutionary nationalist and revolutionary conservative movement is absent at the rendezvous of history.
Badly structured, disunited, endowed with periodicals with small circulation, irregular publication and without links with reality, it no longer exerts any influence either in the French political field in general, or within the national movement in particular.
So, are we going to resolve to disappear? To play no more than a role of testimony? Have we decided to be less efficient, and by far, than structures of the extreme left? that callotin groups? Have we decided to stop permanently on the side of the road and watch history being written without us?
No, we, the undersigned, members of various organizations, circles and newspapers of the revolutionary nationalist and revolutionary conservative movement still believe in our historical destiny and thus decide to continue to act!
Act by addressing the base and not the few leaders, sometimes discredited, often disillusioned, always mired in ego problems and personal conflicts.
While refraining from competing with any national structure with an electoral orientation by clearly registering within the national movement, we, the undersigned, propose the creation of grassroots committees for nationalist unity whose function would be to collect the wishes, hopes and the grievances of activists and sympathizers in favor of unity, and to put pressure on the current leaders so that a unitary dynamic is put in place.
If we want a large NR/RC organization to appear in the long term, if we want to have a real press organ of professional quality and widely distributed, if we want to have our own “European Friendship Days”, if we want our culture develops and spreads, if we want to weigh within the national movement.
So let's demand unity!
"Résistance!" is also a multitude of networks: ecologist with Green Resistance/Earth First! France and the Anti-Speciesist association of Andrasta; cultural with numerous bands, zines and labels; regionalists with branches in Corsica, Flanders, Alsace. It is also has anti-Yankee splinters such as the Anti-MacDo Committees and their newsletter “ Néfastfood” , a youth organization “Jeune Résistance” and a workers' organization “Résistance Ouvrière.”
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