Political Platform by Cultured Thug (2021)

* Source: Retrieved on 8/5/2022 from newfrontierusa.org

Health, Culture, and Welfare
Create Youth Programs designed to encourage personal responsibility, civic vigilance, public virtue
Launch a Care-based Campaign based on a “Humanity First” approach
Enact a self-detriment tax/added tax on vice-industry products
Offer programs that subsidize the development of homesteads and encourage a more rural, subsistence based, agrarian lifestyle
Develop alternative methods of transportation with a heavy emphasis on improved and reliable public transport
Develop alternative energy solutions
Safeguard the conservation of our natural resources and spearhead innovative practices towards a greener world
Restore the pioneer spirit by blazing a new frontier
Economic Justice
Replace the Federal Reserve with a National Bank controlled by the Treasury
Establish a more Progressive Income and Corporate tax rate along with a Universal Basic Income, which would take the form of a stipend or dividend that is paid out to American citizens
Establish tariffs on foreign imports while granting subsidies to American industries to help them reach a point of maturity that allows for a competitive edge in trade
Create sovereign wealth funds/state-owned trusts/government linked corporations that have a vested interest in refining and developing natural resources and the national economy
Create a National Labor Program that would provide employment to those out of work
Launch a Worker’s Rights Campaign, based on achieving the following
Establish large-scale infrastructure projects that will rebuild and improve upon towns and cities in America, turning them into great public works
Law and Order
Encourage a policy of “America First” that will actually put the people before the plutocrats
Encourage a dynamic where private entities are held to a greater degree of public accountability
Reconcile the interests of private citizens and public law enforcement agencies through the following policies
Grant the following basic, civil liberties
Introduce the following reforms to the penitentiary system/institutional corrections facilities
Offer a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants that will consist of classes in education on American history and values; The path to citizenship will be granted to selected illegals who have contributed to the Nation during their stay


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