Principles of the Authentic Falange (2002)
* Source: Retrieved on 13/5/2022 from and translated by me, d'Arma.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA is constituted as a political party to promote, through political and institutional action, the transformation of society. We want to help forge a new way of being and living that brings us closer to justice and happiness, that gives meaning to the life of every man and every woman.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA considers politics as a moral obligation of service to others. We are outraged and scandalized by the use of politics as a platform for obtaining privileges and personal, sectoral or business benefits.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA is heir to a clean history of fighting injustice. We gather the spirit of all the generations of well-intentioned Falangists who saw their dreams of building a better Spain frustrated because of an official 'falange' that betrayed its origins.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA chooses authenticity as its quality, in recognition of those who from any of the official or clandestine Falangist organizations used that term to identify their struggle for a freer, more democratic and just republican Spain.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA wants to bring power closer to citizens, we denounce that behind the mirage of a free society hides a growing concentration of political, economic and media power without social control.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA disagrees with the dominant thinking in this 21st century and distrusts the alternatives that are confront it, so it proposes its own options to build a freer and fairer world. This does not prevent FALANGE AUTÉNTICA from remaining attentive to the ideas that other political options may introduce in the debate in order to support them or assume them if they represent a benefit for the community.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA is aware that there are no answers to major national problems outside international contexts. In a awfully globalized world, our action must contemplate from the small local and municipal action to the global and international sphere.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA considers it natural and desirable that personal and social diversity express itself freely and legitimately in the form of different options or ideologies. The search for truth and the desire for justice are the heritage of humanity as a whole and any effort to advance in this direction has our deep respect. Reasonably, FALANGE AUTÉNTICA will try to spread its values and options with the intention of making them the majority or achieving stable majorities together with other political options with which it shares an integrating, non-materialistic and socializing project of wealth, as well as a deep respect for the Dignity of the individual and Human Rights.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA is an instrument of service to our people, under no circumstances will we admit that it becomes an end in itself.
The principles on which FALANGE AUTÉNTICA bases its political actions on are:
Freedom and self-management
Freedom in a deep sense is an intrinsically human quality.
On this basis, we believe that each citizen must see their individual freedom guaranteed by the State, in order to be able to choose their way of life.
We understand that this freedom is limited by the legitimate exercise of the identical freedoms of all other people and by the objectives of society as a whole, which must be considered above personal freedom in those aspects that may lead to a conflict of interest. between individual rights and the collective rights of people.
For this reason, FALANGE AUTÉNTICA calls for a political system for Spain based on the principle of authentic and participatory Democracy. We defend the right that people have to self-manage in all matters that affect their lives in the social, economic field and, in general, in the aspects that define the rules of coexistence between people.
We consider political participation not only a right but even a duty.
The responsibility for the future of the country must reach all those who form it and for this to be so, we cannot assign the citizens the simple role of spectators.
Democracy must not be reduced to 'particracy'. We accept the existence of political parties, however we reject that only through political parties can one participate in politics. We want to extend democracy to civil associations, syndicats, study centers, corporations, and ensure that political decisions are made by more people and in more options.
Political professionals have an interest in limiting democracy to the act of voting every four years in order to obtain blank checks that they do not always deserve. New technologies (mobile phones, internet, etc...) allow the direct and permanent exercise of self-management by citizens.
We consider the State as the ultimate guarantor in which civil society places its trust for the defense of individual freedoms and the socialization of wealth.
From the foregoing, we can deduce our intention, which we express clearly and openly, to promote through legal means the modification of the current model of the State, considering it deficient in freedom and justice.
socialization of wealth
In economic terms FALANGE AUTÉNTICA considers that the capitalist system is intrinsically unfair despite the superficial mirage that constitutes the material well-being that it generates for the middle classes, which is why we advocate its complete replacement.
We detest classism and the existence of idle people who inevitably live off the work of others. We believe that there is no dignity other than that of work and that there should be no distinction between manual and intellectual work.
We demand a fair distribution of the income produced. We reject that hunger and poverty are necessary or inevitable evils and we claim for humanity its right to continue developing and experimenting with new social alternatives to capitalism.
The current concepts of work, surplus value, inheritance and private property must be redefined, transforming them until they reach an authentic social content.
We are saddened by the situation of disrepute that unions are leading: their continued inefficiency, sectarianism and corruption have damaged the image of one of the most important social instruments of our society. We believe in the need to articulate all producers in syndicats that not only have a vindictive component, but are capable of guiding and democratizing economic activity at a business, sectoral, national or international level.
Spain must make an effort to consolidate itself as a productive economy and that requires more demanding social control that prevents speculative maneuvers both from the financial sectors and from businessmen and individuals. Unfortunately, representatives of all productive sectors have been involved in recent years in scandalous cases of what has been called the "subsidy culture" and the "culture of the ball."*
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA is concerned about the inevitable, with the end of EU structural aid, when the speculative bubble in the Spanish economy will deflate, leaving in its wake the tragedy of unemployment for millions of Spaniards.
We must establish a public financial system that supports with credit union, collective or individual initiatives that may be of interest to society as a whole.
Education, health and social protection services are fundamental in guaranteeing equal opportunities and assistance in the face of any contingency. We are clearly committed to making these quality public services at the service of all Spaniards. Their inclusion in the supply and demand market is an instrument for perpetuating inequalities.
We understand the need to begin the path towards this economic and social model through a process of progressive globalized socialization of the economy. Take steps in that direction, admitting mixed systems that make current capitalist labor relations compatible while fostering and encouraging a social economy.
The planet needs to be cared for, so our initiatives will try to be compatible with sustainable development models that can guarantee its continuity as a common home for all humanity.
We defend the principle of respect for nature and we understand that in order to continue counting on its resources we cannot exploit it indiscriminately without considering the need to somehow replenish what is left of it for our livelihood.
Recover communication spaces:
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA defends the need to recover lost interpersonal communication spaces in a world where information and telecommunication technologies (TV, Internet, etc...) seem to work in favor of individual isolation and lack of communication.
We defend the importance of the family as a socializing nucleus. The family environment favors intergenerational exchange and the training of our young people in the values of solidarity and respect.
Society must recover friendship, camaraderie or love as bonds that selflessly unite us to make us better people in the face of rising individualistic tendencies.
We must press socially so that the media such as the press, TV, the film industry or the Internet recover the valuable role of service to society that they could fulfill. the growing presence of violence and sex in the film markets and the enforces the image of women as an exclusively sexual icon may irremediably deteriorate coexistence.
Free access to Culture, Science and Technology:
Socializing the access of all citizens to Culture, Science and Technology is an essential condition for freedom. The moral values that we defend have been conquered historically by human beings and their understanding and adoption can only be done through free and conscious choice.
We must avoid the abuse and consumerist obsession linked to the appearance of technological solutions. It is essential to develop the critical consciousness of citizens while establishing social mechanisms to limit the power of consumer propagandists.
In a world mediated by the impressive advances of humanity, the fact that important groups of people find themselves excluded from access to Culture, Science and Technology condemns them to moral and economic poverty and to political and consumerist manipulation.
We understand that important advances such as equal rights for women, awareness of the universality of the human person or the identification of new ethical conflicts cannot be understood without linking them to cultural and scientific advances.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA sees Spain as a powerful project in uninterrupted crisis since the 17th century. Despite this and proof of the strength of the ties that unite us, we Spaniards have overcome all our critical moments. However, we think that for our survival as a nation in the 21st century, Spain needs an urgent and profound process of reconstruction so that we can all fit in. It is evident that today, in the Spain of some, others do not feel "at ease" and vice versa.
Hispanidad is the historical and moral limit of the Spanish homeland and FALANGE AUTÉNTICA is ashamed of the petty treatment that we are offering to our brother peoples of Latin America when they need it most.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA sees with disgust the attempt to build the Spanish homeland on the rancid principles of romantic and ethnic nationalism. We are against nationalism as a refined expression of the individualism of peoples. Our concept of homeland is based on the belief that it is common and indivisible, and our job is to inspire people so that they freely commit to embracing a patriotic project that deserves to be called that way. The homeland of the 21st century, if it is imposed, it loses all its meaning.
We must delve into an alternative model of Homeland and patriotism that responds to one of the values that has been irreversibly incorporated into the political and moral baggage of humanity: the desire for personal self-management.
Our aspiration is to propose to our people that common project, suggestive and desirable to have the possibility of grouping around a large and attractive task the wills of diverse people with different individual interests, but who decide to bow to the common destiny that the Homeland embodies.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA openly rejects some consequences of Globalization: inequality between nations, imperialist domination of the world by the great financial powers and predatory cultural colonization of all diversity. Given this scenario, international relations take on definitive importance and it is ridiculous to propose any kind of political or economic isolationism. We look at other nations with the ideals of friendship and desire for mutually enriching collaboration.
For FALANGE AUTÉNTICA, Spain and the Spanish State are different things. The problems in the articulation of the Spanish State are a consequence of the problems of Spain as a nation and not vice versa. Thus, the proposals for the reform of the State model raised both from disloyalty to Spain, and from the pretense of corseting in a certain State pattern the alternative projects of Spanishness are doomed to fail.
We are in favor of a republican and decentralized model based on the principles of autonomy, co-responsibility and inter-territorial solidarity.
Its legal-administrative concretion would not be a relevant matter for FALANGE AUTÉNTICA if it were approached by all from loyalty to a project of common coexistence.
Human dignity
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA considers all human beings equal in rights and bearers of values that transcend them, while individualizing them.
We align ourselves with a broad and generous interpretation of the right to a dignified life of people. We believe that the modern societies in which we live have the cultural, economic, human and technological resources to deal with any conflict without the need to violate this fundamental right.
Thus, we think that the death penalty, abortion, torture, exploitation, racism, active euthanasia, discrimination for reasons of belief, gender, sexual condition or option, domestic violence, sexual violence and certain forms of Genetic manipulation are behaviors that attempt, to a different extent, against the right of people to a dignified life and must be definitively eradicated from our society.
We advocate a social attitude of zero tolerance towards transgressors of this principle. The Authentic Falange's proposals will be aimed at eliminating the things that lead to such behavior.
We think that we should build a society in which we demand the utmost respect from each other in our relationships with others.
Society as a whole must guarantee that the conditions exist so that all people have basic material resources. In this way, the social policies of employment, housing, education or health are priorities in the defense of human dignity.
It is no less true that a decent life is not only a well-endowed life financially. Our society has serious moral and spiritual shortcomings that are evident in the high degree of frustration of our people. We must achieve a way of life that balances the material needs of families with other types of non-quantifiable but essential needs to dignify human life.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA proposes a developmental model that enables an intense family life for all its members, the cultivation of artistic and cultural skills, body and health care, participation in group activities, volunteering and spaces for personal reflection and interpersonal that embellish an existence too focused on the mere greedy possession of goods.
Unity, pact and dialogue
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA wants to collaborate in the articulation of great social pacts that drive us as a nation. The culture of honest dialogue, based on respect for agreed norms and the diversity of others, is the only way to achieve unity of action.
Falangists have historically valued the Unit very especially. Unity is often confused with uniformity or with the imposition of a model and a path for everyone to follow without question. It's a mistake. Unity is compatible with diversity, self-management and the free will of people; social uniformity is simply impossible.
FALANGE AUTÉNTICA seeks the union of people despite their belonging to groups or social classes with conflicting initial interests. We trust that we will be able to agree on collective projects that provide more justice and freedom for all.
We defend the individual right to discrepancy and we will encourage decision-making through participatory and democratic channels. We trust in the kindness and pragmatism that unity and pact suppose at all levels: family, work, social or between the peoples and lands of Spain. Far from implying a submission of some to the decisions of others, it reflects the desire not to leave anyone behind and to try that the positive objective that benefits some may be beneficial to all others.
Alicante, November 16, 2002
* 'culture of the ball' or 'cultura del pelotazo' is a Spanish slang referring to the tendency of people to get dirty rich quickly.
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