The 24 points of the Falange Nacional (1935)
* Source: Retrieved on 25/6/2022 from and translated by d'Arma.
I.- Definition
The National Falange is a crusade that is imposed to establish a new order in Chile. More than a simple Party, it is an affirmation of faith in the destinies of Chile and an unbreakable will at the service of the nation.
The National Falange bases its principles on Christian thought. To achieve its goals, it calls on the Chileans, and sets in motion all its spiritual energies.
II.- The National Task: The National movment is beyond right and left.
We have proposed to break the artificial divisions that destroy the Homeland. We reject impossible restorations and destructive revolutions. We act within the framework of the law and condemn violence as a means of political action.
III.- For the dignity of man.
The dignity of man, his freedom and other natural rights, are the supreme value of civic life. The State, Society and the Economy are organized to facilitate the development of the human personality.
IV.- Marxism and Fascism.
We reject Marxism, a materialist and anti-rational conception of life, which fosters class struggle, leads to tyranny and has failed in practice. We reject fascism and Nazism, which exalt violence, make man a slave of the State, ignite racial antagonisms and destroy peace and freedom.
V.- Religion and Politics.
The National Falange, which is inspired by Christian thought, rejects any confusion between religion and politics. The Church and religion are above the struggles of the parties.
VI.- The Family
We defend the unity and stability of the family, the basic cell of any organized society. We reject divorce and everything that weakens or destroys it. The family must achieve its full and fair expression in the educational, social and political order. You must have the financial means for its development. For this we fight: a) for the family salary, b) for the inalienable and unattachable family property; c) for economical and hygienic habitation.
VII.- Property, Capitalism, Collectivism.
We affirm that property is a natural right subjected in its exercise to the limitations required by the good of the community. We condemn the capitalist regime, not capital, as a factor of production that keeps the masses in moral and economic slavery, and the collectivist system, which annihilates the individual and destroys personal initiative. We proclaim the human sense of the economy.
VIII.- Unionism, Corporatism.
We defend the organization of workers on trade union basis. Unions must have cultural, moral, social and economic purposes. The intervention of partisan politics destroys the mission of unions. Labor and capital unions make up corporations. Within it, solutions of justice in social conflicts are possible
IX.- Organization of the economy.
The economy must be directed. Individual initiative must be respected, subordinating it to the service of the community. The economy is incorporated into the life of the State through corporations. We promote the creation of a National Council of Economy, as a step towards the new economy. The corporate organization makes it possible to give direction to economic life, avoiding individualistic anarchy and the absorption of all activities by the State.
X.- Work and Salary.
We proclaim the human value of work and its moral and not purely material sense. We fight:
a) for fair wages
b) for profit sharing;
c) for a progressive access to the property of the companies by those who work in them;
d) for everything that means giving labour a situation of justice in the economic process. Every Chilean has the right and the duty to work.
XI.- State.
The State is the representative of the nation and the promoter of the common good. We fight for an organic democracy, authoritarian while respectful of freedom. Citizens must join the State, through their family, municipal and corporate functions.
XII.- Provinces.
Effective administrative and economic decentralization and strengthening of provincial life in accordance with geographical conditions and the realities of production in our country. All this within the political unity of our destiny as a nation.
XIII.- Production.
National production must have a rhythm of intensity such that the work and the soil yield the maximum of their possibilities. The wealth obtained must be distributed in accordance with an unwavering spirit of social justice: it has as its primary destination the improvement of the living conditions of the entire Chilean people.
XIV.- Agrarian Reform.
The land is the foundation of our well-being. Land reform is essential. This reform will tend to agricultural enrichment by the following means:
a) Extension of the cultivation surfaces, taking advantage of the lands of the north and south;
b) promoting a type of rationalized and scientific cultivation that increases yields and returns lost energy to the land;
c) improved agricultural education;
d) establishing conditions that allow farmers to sell their products at remunerative prices.
XV.- For the Peasants of Chile.
Moral and material redemption of the peasant population. Extensive and effective subdivision of lands and colonization policies. Rooted in the land by the following means: access to small property; fair remuneration for farm workers; sound empowerment; low interest credit; agricultural cooperatives.
XVI.- Industry.
The Promotion of industrial activities. Chile is known to have a predominant position in the industrial life of Latin America. Customs and monetary policy must serve industrial development without implying unfair burdens on the consumer.
XVII.- Mining.
Chile is a country of mining traditions. Protection of mining by the State through credit and aid to small miners. Large companies must be required to leave a reasonable margin of their profits in Chile and maintain their influence in the strict sphere of their industrial exploitation, submitting in all respects to Chilean laws.
XVIII.- Education
Education is the fundamental method of establishing the future of Chile. It must be the first concern of the State and the Governor and must be organized on the basis of respect for the right of the family in the education of children. Teaching freedom. Education must be guided by the principles of Christian doctrine and morality, and by a profound national feeling.
It must create in each Chilean a constructive spirit, without losing any capacity due to lack of economic means.
In primary school, it will respond to the needs of work and the region; creating differentiated types of primary schools, especially in rural schools.
To a youth without perspective of independent and remunerative work, confronted today almost exclusively with the sterile possibilities of an excessive bureaucracy, technical education will offer ample fields to build the human factor of technical efficiency that our economy requires, developing at the same time its own and free destiny.
Secondary education will have a scientific humanistic orientation, culture and professional training.
The teaching profession must be dignified as befits its noble social mission.
XIX.- The woman.
We proclaim the excellence of the mission of women in the family and in society. We reject the doctrines that place women in a situation of inferiority. We also reject everything that separates it from its natural mission. The legislation owes him protection in all spheres of life. The State must recognize the rights of women.
XX.- In Defense of life.
A broad health policy must defend our people and bring it out of its current prostration. This policy should be oriented in a preferably preventive sense, and place special emphasis on the food problem. This task corresponds to both state and prevention agencies, which will act in close coordination. An immigration policy must be carried out, taking into account our social and geographical conditions.
XXI.- Administration.
We affirm that the administration of justice constitutes one of the basic foundations of the order of a nation.
We favor the generation of the Judiciary in such a way that, regardless of any other criterion that is not strictly technical, it opens the way for the most suitable and stimulates the development of authentic vocations in universities and professionals.
We point out the need to decentralize it, adapting it to the various problems and needs of the country, and to set its members the remuneration required for the importance of their functions and for the purposes required for the importance of their functions and for the purposes previously proposed.
We promote the review and simplification of our procedural laws in order to make the processing of trials faster and cheaper.
XXII.- The Armed Forces.
The Armed Forces are an expression of Chilean traditions. They must be at a high level of efficiency and dignity and keep close contact with the civil and social work of the State.
XXIII.- International Politics.
We proclaim the unity of destiny among the Hispanic-American peoples. A task of rapprochement at the cultural and economic levels will strengthen the ties of brotherhood among the nations of Latin America, called by their tradition and by the community of their interests to a historic mission of solidarity.
XXIV.- Sense of our call to Chileans
For the construction of this new order. The National Falange does not ask for a passive adherence to a lifeless program: it demands an unshakable faith in the destiny of the Homeland. Sacrifice and selflessness are the hallmarks of our crusade for justice and brotherhood.
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