The Flemish Movement, Belgium and the Bondage of the Low Lands by Joris Severen (1936)
First published: Van Severen, J., 1936. De Vlaamsche Beweging, België en de gebondenheid der Nederlanden. Brussel: Dietsche Nationaalsolidariteit.
Translator's notes: For context, Verdinaso (Verbond van Dietsche Nationaal Solidaristen/Union of Dutch National-Solidarists) was a Dutch and Belgian (but mostly Belgian) political party active from 1931 to 1941. It advocated for the creation of a greater Dutch state, in which Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg would be united. Justifying this through the shared history and culture of these lands. It was third positionist, corporatist and nationalist. It was disbanded by the Nazis in 1941 for refusing to collaborate.
Their leader was Joris Van Severen, who wrote the following statement. It's very focused to the Low Lands region, but it does contain some important parts that may be useful for third positionists globally, as it includes lots of theory regarding national-solidarism (Verdinaso's official ideology). The original document is in Dutch and I was too lazy to translate it myself due to how long it is, so I instead used Google Translate, so I already apologise for any bad English. Anyway, here is it:
I. The Political Order in the Dutch Realm
The State, in the Dutch Realm, will be dominated by two principles, answer to two main necessities: First, the principle of a strong and great power disposing authority, arranged in a stern hierarchy. Second, the principle and necessity of a far-reaching organic decentralization. So in the sign of the command and in the sign of a healthy life development.
II. Command
The statute in the coming Dutch Realm, of the three, now in the Netherlands ruling dynasties: the Dynasty of Orange, the Saxe-Coburg dynasty and the Luxembourgish dynasty of Nassau, will be founded on the recognition of the unforgettable services they have rendered to our nation, and to the care that they, each in their place a permanent and popular role in the be able to fulfill the Dutch whole. The Pan-Netherlandic thought of the Verdinaso does not contradict the loyalist feelings of the Dutch, Belgian and Luxembourgish populations in front of the ruling in the Netherlands royal houses. As for the state's authority, it is our will that it be a true authority. That is, an authority that sees nothing else then has the service of life, prosperity, power and future of the people and the empire; and not first and foremost the service to a party or a clique; an authority that disposes of all the necessary power and might, and consequently first and foremost over perfect independence, to make decisions with the necessary urgency and with the same speed to have those decisions carried out efficiently, and not an authority which, as now is the plaything of all the whims and the cures of the money powers, of the political party bosses or of the Freemasonry, or of the fickleness of one by those bangers manufactured so-called "popular will"; an authority that is borne by men who are honest, selfless, conscientious and capable, and not an authority borne by those who use authority only to promote self-interest and to pursue one's own glory; an authority that will consist of men who be formed for that purpose; educated and trained in specially suitable schools and which will thus be a veritable elite, a true inspection team; an authority from high to low, and from the Prime Minister or the Chancellor, to the Mayor of the hierarchy church will be: a tightly bound hierarchy of leaders and officials who each preside over the territory of which they are shall direct and administer according to the commands their thereto given by the higher authorities. Thus the State will actually be headed by a Chancellor or Prime Minister who freely appoints his assistants or ministers. And as a result, in the Dutch National Solidarist Realm, there will be there is no longer any question of parties, because, as I have often have repeated, because, beyond all other very solid reasons, the parties and the party regime simply have no reason to exist have more; because they all sane and effective state leadership, all effective management, all effective administration completely un- make possible while they do nothing but disservice and cost her an infinite amount of money. Consequently, in their present form will be abolished: the parliament, the provincial councils and the municipal councils. The parliament will be replaced by a High Council of representatives of families, of hearths. About the technique of composition of that Council, and of its task, it is not the place to elaborate. That is beyond the scope of this speech, as I conceived her. One thing is certain: the laws will be designed and made by a panel of experts and not by incompetent demagogues. The provincial councils or States will be replaced by councils which shall be composed of all the mayors of the province, and work under the direction and orders of the governor or governorate. The permanent deputations will be replaced by a group of employees and technicians representing the governor or governor freely, subject to the approval of the superior organizations. The municipal councils will be replaced by a council of deputies of families, of the capitals in the congregations established. The aldermen's colleges will become: colleges of employees who mayor freely, subject to the approval of the governor. Thus will a very simple hierarchy be established throughout the empire be furnished, of leaders and administrators who are serious and can deliver decent work and their work with the necessary speed be able to perform, who are serious and can deliver decent work and their work with the necessary speed be able to perform, without continuously know-it-all talkers and bunglers and self-interested tricksters to be hindered.
III. Healthy Life Development
It goes without saying, we have repeated it unnecessarily, that it is people is not for the state, but that the state is for the people, to serve and lead the people; serving to lead, to the end of all the fellow citizens, to all the individuals who make up the nation opportunity and the resources they need to being and developing all their gifts to maximum integrity. The doctrine of Verdinaso and this whole endeavor is mastered by the principle: service to life. Service to the human personality. Life prices. We enthusiastically repeat after Goethe: „Grau ist alle Theorie und grün des Lebens ewiger Baum". For us life culminates in the perfection of the human personality. But we know that perfection is only possible in order, and where order reigns and consequently where order is ensured by an efficiently organized State. That is why the Verdinaso program states that: "established on justice, serving peace, finds his highest task, in the realm of spiritual activity, in promoting the association of the members of the Dutch Nation according to the perfection of their spiritual personality; in creating and sustaining the good relationships that secure for everyone: the possibility of reaching his final destination, his eternal good: God, source of all justice and all order." Therefore we will and will varieties and properties of the Dutch Nation respect and take all measures necessary and useful and are effective in identifying those varieties and properties to preserve and to develop in an orderly manner, insofar as they development the unity of the Dutch Nation and its inner does not jeopardize bondage and relatedness. That is our will towards: the Flemish, the Dutch, the Brabantians, the Limburgers, the Zeelanders, the Gelderlanders, the Frisians, the Hainaut, the Namur Hours, the people of Liège, the Luxembourgers. And by properties we mainly understand: Religion, language and everything that is usually defined by the word culture. One has of that concept so many divergent and finally... obscuring provisions given that no one yet quite knows what culture actually is. We stick with Henri Massis where he gives the following stipulation:
“Culture is above all a formation of judgment: it aims to give it its rectitude, at the same time as it enriches it. "It is therefore a principle of unity, of coordination." It increases our humanity much less in the sense of breadth of knowledge only in depth" and in intensity. A through the forms, she strives , , to release the essences. Yes eMe is attached to all the "modes that the human dream has taken, it is to better "penetrate our destiny and make us progress in our being. And that's how in the end, she's a education of nobility. "All the wealth she amassed in our spirit" serve to make us a well-bred soul." culture, moreover, is based on dogmatism. El-" makes it one choice, it establishes an order in the productions of the mind. "It presupposes a tradition, an intelligible continuity in the succession of things - continuity which "itself implies the permanence of an interior or exterior consciousness. of classicism. 11 "is a point of view from which to judge. To be classic, "is to have a solid base to establish one's judgement. " In short, culture ensures intelligence and far from numbing it prepares it for action. She makes usual-, , ly present to our thoughts the general interests of the city, of the society, of human civilization, , maines. And that's the meaning of beauty name of humanism."
To protect those qualities: Religion, language and culture and to allow oneself to develop orderly is, according to eleven, no federalist organization of the Belgian state is necessary. On the contrary, we are certain that such a federalist institution would inevitably lead to separatism and ultimately to a further fatal division of the Netherlands. a efficient and far-reaching administrative decentralization corresponding to the figure of the provinces, provided it exists of, a strong authority [ a piece of text is missing...] We are well aware that, on the one hand, all in spite of professors and politicians, that "federalism" is never finished certain were and probably never will be; starting date on the other hand it is in the minds of many words of the "Flemish National Association") then signify a preparation for a final disintegration of Belgium. These people, however, have hitherto either neither the intellect nor the nor the courage to see and recognize that such a dismemberment inevitably to a German-French-British conflict over the independence of the division of the Netherlands. They are and remain the mechanical copyists of a doctrine which they do not understand and be able to apply. In any case, they should by all means and especially with the means of information, will our people is much wiser than they. Unassailable in its unity and bondage, rich and fully developing and unfolding in his own unique beautiful variety, will stand there and live the glorious Dutch Empire of the Netherlands divided into its own fifteen provinces: Flanders, Brabant, Holland, Gelder, Overijssel, Groningen, Utrecht, Zeeland, Limburg, Friesland, Hainaut, Liège, Namur in Luxembourg. On the language border we will mark the borders of the provinces adjust language and culture characteristics opportunity for healthy development and to to make administration. Thus to begin with, the Dutch provinces united in the Dutch Realm under the leadership of the Dutch National-solidarist state, guardian and judge of the second empire in the world. Remembering the word of the great Silently bent over the map of the Netherlands: "this is too small to to stay divided!"
IV. The Social Order in the Dutch Realm
The social order in the Dutch Realm will be built on the foundations of the organic, verily to life and to the labor answering ranges, and not on the foundations of the false and artificial and life and work distorting and destructive distributions. It will therefore be built on the foundations of the company and of the profession. It will be: the corporative order. The companies and the professions will be organized in actual working and living communities, equipped with public law power and authority. So it will not be built on the foundation of all popular life and all necessary togetherness and all labour-destroying ideology of the class struggle and therefore not on the basis of class struggle syndicates, or party syndicates. In the national-solidaristic Dutch Realm there will be class struggle or of Marxism, in whatever form there is no speech. And thanks to those corporative order that we cannot here in its entire construction describe, the companies and those working in those companies works, be delivered from the hand of the powers of money, and workers through the organic solidarist arrangement of participation and co-ownership, to be de-proletarianized. Through the corporation directly associated with their business, they will company, to some extent regard it as their own business and may consider and thus give their maximum to their work consecrate strengths and gifts and thus find in that labor one of the essential sources of all strength and of all labor and of all life: the joy of realizing that working for the blossoming of life company, they work for themselves, their families and also for the entire community of people, which for them is a real community will have become. The Social Order in the National Solidarist Empire will also be built on the recognition of necessity of one aristocracy or rather of several aristocracy, aristocratic orders. I mainly mention: the aristocracy of the blood, the aristocracy of the mind, the aristocracy of conscientious labour, the aristocracy with the heroism, the aristocracy of heroism, the aristocracy of civility. The former must return to her place in the coming Order and collaborate with the other aristocracies of that coming Order.
She has too much trouble with anything but aristocratic rulerships of money compromised, her honor thereby in the balance laid. Thus the aristocracy of the blood no longer plays its exalted role. She is no longer the preserver of blood, race and all their virtues. On the contrary, in too many cases she is the preserver of the vices of the "bourgeois". The Verdinaso wants her to maintain her natural connection with the people rediscover and honor hsrstelle. Of course not with the "People" like democratism conceives and proposes it ; but just like it Verdinaso conceives, represents and determines: the great, by the living through the ages, living through the ages and developing organism that restlessly maintains the high values of life maintains, defends, propels and creates. That connection will therefore take place according to absolute and completely anti-democratic lines and ways of life and way of life: simplicity and charm of true nobility. Meanwhile, the Verdinaso has a political-military aristocratic order is created and forms and develops that day by day: the aristocratic order of the Dinaso militant: new embodiment of the faithful to the given word, of the chivalrous attitude to life, of heroism and discipline and of the correctness and courtesy. Around her and under her guidance, and after her example shall once all the other aristocratic orders of our popular community unite and order themselves, thus becoming the head and soul of the new, erecting itself in noble greatness and beauty Rich.
V. The Economic Order in the Dutch Realm
That order will be built upon the eternal laws of all sound home economics, of all sound political economy; Which that is, finally, common sense and honesty; and not on the art of all kinds of so-called financial specialists who, as we experience it in Belgium since the war, the country to the lead to economic ruin. That order will be built on: The recognition of personal property and the recognition of the social bondage of property; on one impeccable administration that will result from the Dutch National Solidarist political order as I just described it have determined. So it will most definitely be done with to spend more than what the income allows and it will therefore take a while definitely done with all the inflation and devaluation. Those who listen to us and read us know that we have been proved, emphasized and reiterated that any devaluation of the coin a further-progressing impoverishment, a further means a progressive reduction of the wealth of the people, and by to artificially create a false wealth for a while bring the people into the most dangerous illusions, make the whole production and, finally, inevitably to further conducts devaluations. That every devaluation is the work of the money dominions that, with the democratic regime, States, do what they want and that any devaluation only to those money rulers benefit; that after all, every devaluation (every money or currency indignation) full confidence in the value of the money and the currency a little more deeply and all confidence in the fairness of the agreements is gradually destroying and finally de thrift destroys one of the essential sources of wealth and one of the essential conditions of family life, which every money or coin depreciation means a devaluation of many of the most important and supreme life values. We shall hold our currency in an unassailable solidarity establish and maintain Thanks to his strong authority, his impeccable administration and his corporative order, the Dutch National-solidarist State will all enemies animal fortitude with the most drastic and effective can curb means and actually curb it, and will he immeasurable and priceless riches that the country and the empire possess such for the benefit, not (as it is now the case) of some financiers or financial groups, but for the benefit of to exploit the whole community, And the consequence of this will be: that instead of ever heavier to demand taxes, the State will be able to gradually reduce taxes to a minimum, while also well-paid work will be provided to the hundreds of thousands of unemployed people walking around the country, and moreover, the State will be able to be equipped in such a way that it few years as the most modem equipped Empire of the world ahead will act.
VI. The Military Defense Order in the Dutch Realm
That order will be built on the principle of the absolute necessity of the integral defense of the whole Empire and of the whole Empire. We want for the State and build an army and a navy for the Empire that will protect us and our greatness and worthy of our past. This is a matter of simplest self-respect. And we will of that army and that fleet demand that they in quality, in excellence, the armies and not only match the fleets of all other countries but surpass. And if there are those who mock or smile skeptically here, refer I'll take them to history and she'll tell them what we're up to of the ages on land and sea. While our neighbors supply their armed forces to the modern necessities, adapt and adapt at the pace of the fastest express trains, will the armed forces of the Netherlands be adapted to these needs? at the pace of a dog cart. The army, the fighting force, the defense force, which in these times for the community and the safeguarding and defense and enforcement of her life values an ever more persuasive and decisive one meaning, we will forge into a weapon by his strength, his decisiveness and effectiveness, a steadfast, dynamic appearance is of pride and self-confidence and greatness. Whoever feels like such pride and self-confidence and greatness, with bitter anger he stands watching the exercises and the parades and to the organization and armament of that force, realizing that it does not fulfill its grand role, in the present regime not that role can fulfill. In the depths of his mind he feels that between that Wehrmacht and the people's community, the real, genuine, deep covenant rooted in life and death does not exist. Why? Because that community of people itself does not exist in the sense of a real, true covenant deeply rooted in life and death. That is why the Wehrmacht cannot belong to that community of people: a of the noblest formations and expressions. The Verdinaso wants the core, pivot, driving force and driving force of that Wehrmacht which in the full sense of the word is a people's army must be, be a professional army, that in substance and appearance the will be the embodiment of all the virtues of the soldier. That is to say, an army that is in the midst of it community will stand as a new order of chivalry, a aristocratic, noble order; and a formidable order, formidable by her mind as well as by her knowledge and her skill, radiating the stylish and implacable will at all costs the common land of the fathers, the land „of fame and honour" to defend with honor and fame. We will honor the soldier's profession in his glory restore fullness. It will be over with the sloppy soldiers and NCOs, om not to speak of some of the officers whom we now have about the jobs of our country marching or walking in our streets. Done with an army that respects neither itself nor its people. The army of us Dutch Realm will be our pride: "The country's weather and beautiful and Order-guard". We want our soldiers and officers to wear their uniforms and their whole attitude in all circumstances being: it example of the athletic, resilient, disciplined, more helpful, correct and courteous Dutch man. And they shall be clean to the nails of their fingers. And it will be like that! Impossible ? Look at the men of the Dinaso Militant Order or of the Dinaso Propaganda - Order. They are already now, all difficulties at regret, the first living proof of what I declare.
VII. The Imperial Order in the Dutch Realm
That order will be built on the principle that we, with all possible means our colonies to the motherland should so that they, with and through the motherland, form: on industrial, commercial and military area a strong and inviolable whole. It is, for example, an unspeakable shame that we, either Belgium or The Netherlands, owning the colonies we own live poor and with hundreds of thousands of unemployed. That will be in the Dutch Realm do not exist. Partly because of its trading and military fleet, it will Dutch Realm in connection with his Empire managed to work towards a commonwealth of highest prosperity and highest civilization. SEE there in very general sketchy features the image determined of the goal that Verdinaso wants to achieve. How will Verdinaso achieve that goal? Not by violence. Violence would achieve the opposite of what We want. How? I already indicated it years ago: the Dinasos in Belgium will conquer power in Belgium; the Dinasos in the Netherlands will conquer power in the Netherlands; the Dinasos in Luxembourg will take power in Luxembourg. They will do so by any appropriate means that they can be used effectively. Pending that conquest of power, they will, according to the orders and directives of the leadership of the Dutch Union of National Solidarists, each in their place, with the means at their disposal, gradually that conquest of power and also prepare the establishment of the Dutch Order. Thus the work and the camp of the Verdinaso is in no way area negative, nor destructive. On the contrary, everywhere and at any time moment : positive and constructive. That is why it does not want Verdinaso nor Belgium, nor the Netherlands, nor Luxembourg in any way weaken or divide or dismember. It considers, I repeat, those three States as three integrating parts of the Dutch Empire, of the coming Dutch National Solidarist Empire and recognizes them as such. And the Verdinaso does not want the Dutch Realm hastily realizing it, because it wants construction to be unassailably robust. Boldness, yes; but a careful, wise boldness would like to point this out. That's how it is on the plan of the direct practical action, of direct, practical achievements, the march to the goal, among other things, for: that a series of permanent organisms, would be created which, according to the example of the recently founded "permanent Belgian-Dutch-Luxembourg Economic Commission", would be charged with the permanent day-to-day execution of the alliances and treaties that already exist in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg or from the permanent daily che preparation and detail of the cooperation, alliances and treaties concluded as soon as possible between the three countries have to come. I mention in the first place: the finaliter economic cooperation and an effective military cooperation, the latter being the only solution for the very anxious questions that these countries, in this area, day by day be made more urgent. Gradually, such organisms can achieve a first realization of preparing the Dutch Realm, in the form of a Statenbond, in which the Kingdoms of Belgium and the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg would regroup. Inwardly, these constituent Lands, at this stage, retain their sovereignty. From such formation the History several examples. I mention, among other things, the "Germanic Confederation" of 1848, the Swiss Confederation and, on another plan, the United States of America. And history also teaches us that such States Associations usually, gradually develop and transform into Confederations that to draw closer and closer to common ties. Once this is achieved, a central government is formed whose task is to serves the common interests of the constituent parts serve and direct the foreign policy of the Dutch Realm. Then, under the direction of the Verdinaso, the rest will follow naturally.
Some of you may think that our pursuit is a game of illusionistic idealism. Nothing is further from the truth. I give you, for example, the preamble of the main article of the very sober "Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant" about the completely unexpected entry of Austria into Greater Germany Reich, opening words that read very soberly and very laconic: The union of Germany and Austria in the Greater German Reich, which for so many years to many German minds as a what seemed almost unattainable ideal is a fact." When we, be it in a different way, the same almost to perfection thorough organizational and diplomatic take preparation as an example and that example with the necessary reason and discretion, the necessary courage and the necessary punctuality follow (and we will) then we so-called realize utopian goal with the same certainty of victory. One thing is certain: to achieve that goal we will fight until we fall or make it. And more than ever I am convinced that the day will come. Then we establish the Empire and are in become a great nation in full effect, the great nation that we are. In the world to come there is no more room, there will be no be more room for smallness, for small nations. Be yourself and Worthy of your great past! Remember the word of Mussolini: "The people of this time no longer have a choice: it will come." it's not about being happy, it's about being great." I add to it: In striving for that greatness and in that greatness you shall find happiness!
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