What is Communism? by Horia Sima (1972)

* First published: Editura “Dacia”, Madrid, 1972



The subject of my lecture seems uninteresting and even out of date. How can we talk about such an elementary issue when thousands of authors, in thousands of books and in tens of thousands of articles, using an immense wealth of sources, have explained the phenomenon? This subject has been treated so much that today it is presumable that not even the most distant man from political life can fail to know communism in its characteristic features.

And yet we risk the assertion to the contrary: although this organization dates back more than a hundred years, although it has defeated Soviet Russia for more than half a century and today dominates almost half of the globe’s surface, although entire libraries have been written about this ideology and continue to be written in hallucinatory rhythm, as if there was nothing better known in the world other than Marxism-Leninism, yet the world lives with a wrong image of communism. What he imagines to be communism is not communism, and what is genuine communism remains a mystery to the vast majority of people.

To convince ourselves of this truth, we have a decisive argument: how is it that despite all the conscientious work of so many experts on de-communism, the cure for this deadly disease for our civilization has not yet been discovered? How can it be explained that, although there is excellent information on communism, the politicians who have led the destinies of mankind during this period have not been able to draw up an effective system of defense against this danger? The threat is growing day by day. Other peoples fall into the bondage of communism. From the founding of communism to the present day, the history of communism has been an uninterrupted series of successes. Is it a fatality that pushes humanity under the wheels of the monstrous communist tyranny, that famous “left-slip” of history? Have the Western sources of intelligence, inspiration, and energy dried up so much that they resignedly accept, as an inevitable deadline, the world government of the communist dictatorship?

1. Communism is not a doctrine.

Communism possesses a doctrine, but in its intimate structure it is not what is called Marxist philosophy or doctrine. Reality refuses to fit into the patterns of Marxist thought. And it’s easy to demonstrate.

1) Communism has not won in any country of high industrial level. All the communist victories took place in agrarian countries, with an industry in phase or not developed enough to characterize their economy.

2) The second unpleasant finding for post-Marxist doctrinaires is that the popular masses in heavily industrialized countries are not proletarianizing. The phenomenon that occurs is exactly the opposite. The standard of living of the popular masses is improving rapidly, reaching the level of the middle classes.

The social problem is solved in the Western States or Japan, I could say, through a burgeoning of the worker: through better wages, through an effective social security system, through participation in the benefits of enterprises. The misery of the lower classes, as described in nineteenth-century literature, no longer exists in these countries. But with all the discredit in which Marxism has fallen as philosophy and doctrine, Marxism as a movement and political organization continues to reap triumphs. The doctrine, although refuted by the facts, does not prejudice the movement. How is this anomaly explained? There is only one explanation: the secret of communist expansion does not lie in doctrine. There must be another engine, another energy center to fuel communism, regardless of its doctrine.

2. Communism is not a social and economic system.

The struggle that broke out between communism and the rest of free humanity would be, according to communist propaganda, a life-and-death struggle between two different social and economic systems: capitalism aside, another new society, organized on a socialist basis. In this world competition, one of the two systems is destined to disappear.This simplification of relations between the two blocs does not correspond to reality. This supposed existence of an irremediable antagonism between capitalism and communism is one of those false identity cards with which communism is presented in international life. If we examine the two forces in the present that have been vying for world domination for almost a century, we find with astonishment that the differences between them are not exactly as radical as communism trumpets. Between the two forces, one supposedly conservative and the other supposedly revolutionary, we can hardly clearly distinguish what separates them. On the contrary, we find something even more sensational: communism not only subsists in the regime created by the vices of the capitalist system, but also assimilates them, applying them with an unknown harshness in the world of free enterprise. Neither the capitalist system nor its tendency to concentrate disappear in the communist system; on the contrary, under the control of the State, the largest concentration of capital that can be imagined in a society is achieved. All the capitalists, big and small, all the craftsmen, any individual who owns a small fortune, but not for the benefit of the people, but of the central apparatus of the communist party, made up of a few dozen people, are expropriated.What about the exploitation of man by man in the communist system? Has he disappeared, making room for social justice, as his prophets proclaim? On the contrary, communism introduced modern slavery, the robot man, the mere man of labor, treated worse than animals. In a book of mine, on this subject, we mention that communism, compared with capitalism, does not change anything in its unjust structure, does not improve the human condition, does not bring any generous idea, but appropriates everything from bourgeois-capitalist society. it is bad, all its negative aspects, all the waste of this society, and it gives priority to them in its own system, potentiating them to the maximum.While in bourgeois capitalist society good and evil coexist in various proportions, in communist society good is completely eliminated, and evil is extracted as a price entity and cultivated in its pure state, as microbial cultures are produced. In conclusion, not only is there no such deep and irremediable antagonism between capitalism and communism, but we are witnessing a mutual understanding between the two systems, as if there were a secret agreement between them and as if they both pursued the same political goal. After all its manifestations so far, capitalism protects communism and prepares its ground for the conquest of the whole world.

3. Communism is not a revolution.

Although communist agitations are raging around the world, although appearances indicate that we are dealing with a revolution that is spreading irresistibly, conquering country after country, the reality still forces us to a historical review. We do not know of any revolution made by the Communists, and the Communists did not come to power in any country by way of a revolution. The revolutions were made by others, other people, other parties, with other programs and slogans, and the only merit of the communists is that they had the ability to take advantage of the sacrifices of true revolutionaries. And this is not called revolution, but revolutionary parasitism.

When the tzarist regime was overthrown in February 1917, the Bolshevik leaders Lenin, Trotsky and others were in exile and Stalin was deported. The Bolsheviks do not even recognize the overthrow of the tzarist regime as the date of their revolution, for it would mean acknowledging that the revolution was carried out by others, not themselves, but in October 1917, when the Kerensky government was overthrown. The Bolsheviks seized power with thousands of people who managed to infiltrate the command posts of the workers’ organizations. What revolutions did the communists make in order to become masters in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland or the Baltic countries? Did the population of these countries revolt under the banner of the Communist Party against the old leadership, and then proclaim their attachment to Moscow? The communist parties in these countries were too weak to carry out a revolution, and the population was hostile to any proximity to Moscow. The Communists were installed in power by the Soviet occupation army, although they represented a small fraction of the population, with the benevolent support of the great Western democracies. Fidel Castro did not seize power as a communist leader, but as the leader of a national revolution. If he had revealed his political identity from the beginning, he would not have had this success. He speculated on the discontent against the Batista regime, coalitioning the entire opposition and only after consolidating power did he remove his mask and give the revolution a communist direction, eliminating one by one the elements that opposed this course. China was not conquered by Mao by revolutionary action, but by a military campaign organized in the north with the help of the Soviets and the cooperation of the Americans. The latter created a military vacuum in the region, forcing the Japanese to withdraw and refusing to support Chang-Kai-Shek. Communists possess the art of taking advantage of the mistakes of other parties and the weaknesses of the people. With these treacherous methods they can rise to power, but never to the honor of making a revolution.

4. Communism is not a party

Although there are countless communist parties in the world, political groups with this title cannot be assimilated to traditional parties, from conservatives to social democrats. A communist party has no place in the general concept of party. A communist party is a penetration of a foreign body into the body of the nation. Therefore, as long as the nation is in good health, it reacts vigorously against communism, fights it, rejects it and seeks to eliminate it from the body, just as the biological organism defends itself against microbes and organ transplants. Communism is a foreign community, which alters the fundamental unity of the nation. There is, in all probability, another force that dictates in a communist party, occult, invisible leadership. A communist party must have an anonymous leadership, much stronger than the party apparatus, and this anonymous leadership must be engaged in the world leadership system of all communist parties in the world. Communist parties are the vanguards of the enemy in our midst, and in order to accomplish their destructive work they camouflage themselves under the benign appearances of parties of normal character.

5. Communism is not a state

We do not deny the existence of these political entities, called states

communist Russia, such as communist Russia, communist China, communist Romania, etc. But we are falsely opposed to the idea that these countries, as governed today by communist teams, would meet the requisites necessary to be called States, in the classical sense of the word. Communist states through ignorance and fraud have entered the world family of states and have acquired titles that they cannot justify with their own structure. Without going into specialized discussions, we limit ourselves to what we find in any public law textbook. The existence of a state is conditioned by the reunion of three factors: a territory, a population and a central authority to represent its interests and aspirations. The substance of the state is the nation. The nation is organized on a certain territory, in order to fulfill its historical destiny. Or the communist states did not have this structure. They are amputated by two factors. Of the third necessary for the formation of a state, they possess only the territory. As such, they can only be considered as simple geographical expressions. They are dead states, states without peoples. Obviously, nations exist, but they find themselves in the paradoxical situation of being considered a pariah in their own country and of leading an obscure existence. A communist state is composed of two foreign and antagonistic realities: it is the leadership, it is the official, and the nation, expelled from the state and forced to lead a parallel existence. Where do we meet nations in communist states? They are found in concentration camps, deported to Siberian immensities, or reduced to working animals. In a communist state, the nation is arrested in its entirety and lives in a vast prison. The central authority in a communist state emanates from the Communist International, the world organization that leads, through its trusted people, all communist states. Communist states, in reality, represent the limits of the expansion of the communist empire. They are its new provinces, his new conquests, his new annexations.

6. Communism is a conspiracy

Once the operation to eliminate the exteriors of communism is over, we can penetrate its depths, beyond its deceptive facade, beyond the conceptions and judgments that dominate the modern world. Just as there is a visible face and an occult face of the moon, which could not be explored to this day, so we must imagine communism with two faces, and only the exploration of its occult face guarantees us the possession of the truth. In its last expression, communism is a conspiracy. To convince us of this, we have an irrefutable proof. From its inception, even from its most distant origins, communism appeared in the form of a conspiracy. The germ of plasma of communism is a conspiracy. All parties, all political groups, all movements, appeared declaring from the first moment, from the moment of their birth, their political and spiritual identity. We are these, we want this thing, we have this program and we are following this reform. Apart from communism. The presence of communism in the world was first recorded in the form of a secret society, around 1820. In 1836, the formal foundations of the movement were laid, when the communist secret networks operating in various Western countries came together to form the “Communist Alliance.” , based in London. Marx belonged to these secret societies from the beginning and eventually became the first supreme leader of the communist movement. It should be noted, therefore, that before becoming a philosopher, a doctrinaire, and a visionary of communism, Marx was a conspirator. The doctrine appeared much later, after the movement was formed and the conspiratorial cells functioned all over the world. The conspiracy precedes the doctrine, and the conspirator Marx precedes the philosopher Marx. But his very philosophy has a conspiratorial character. Let us not imagine that Marx researched the social and economic reality of his and other times and from there he drew his theories, acting like any philosopher. It’s a terrible odor. Marx sought to create a philosophy that would serve the purposes of the conspiracy. In shaping his philosophy, he started from the conclusion, from the ultimate goal, from the plans of the conspiracy, the world domination of communism, and he tailored his philosophy according to this final perspective. And it’s easy to prove. His whole philosophy is oriented in such a way as to have as a practical end the class struggle, as an instrument of historical transformations. What is the main obstacle to world domination, no matter who undertakes it, the obstacle to which all the imperialisms of history have failed? Peoples, nations. Well, these natural entities, hard and impossible to crush from the outside, by force or conquest, had to be attacked by a means that would cause them death from within. By proclaiming class struggle as the driving force of history, Marxism implicitly created the instrument of the destruction of peoples. Instead of the people defending their existence against external threats. they will now be engaged in internal class struggles, which will weaken them and push them to attach themselves to communism. The conspiracy is the basis of the communist movement and the red thread of its history. She is the soul of communism, its internal pulsation, the engine that ensures communism and the uninterrupted series of successes. Without the existence of this occult factor, we do not understand anything about the huge machine that operates in the world under this company and that tends to spread all over the earth. Everything can be subject to revisions and transformations into communism. Communist parties can be set up and disbanded, Marxist doctrine can be spread like a rubber band to adapt it to the most varied situations, economic systems can undergo the same changes; if necessary, the communist states can be disbanded and even the red army. Nuclear weapons can also be abandoned. But nothing is solved. The communist danger has not disappeared. As long as the central conspiracy body is not disorganized, all other changes are of a tactical nature and will be reborn under a different guise. In short, at the beginning there was the communist conspiracy and then parties, internationals, doctrine, state and armies were added. Speaking in Marxist terms, the conspiracy represents the infrastructure of communism, and all other manifestations are its superstructure.

7. Parallel structures

The communist conspiracy — and this is its terrible danger — creates parallel structures in the state. In parallel with the organs and institutions of the State, communist nuclei are formed right inside these institutions, with the people recruited from its bosom or with those who managed to infiltrate them. While infiltration is a minor danger, because it is only one or two people, the parallel structure must be conceived as another institution in the service of the enemy, consisting of dozens of people working together and supporting each other. The parallel structure drowns the state apparatus and progressively replaces its natural functions. In parallel with diplomacy, a secret diplomacy will be set up, in parallel with the judiciary, judges will appear in favor of communist interests, in parallel with the press, radio, television, the enemy will organize its committees of collaborators. Creating a parallel structure is a very difficult, very delicate and long-lasting operation, but since the communists have managed to fixate on a state body, they have taken it out of circulation, paralyzed it and even reversed it. functions, turning it into a harmful organ of the nation. The parallel structure is a pinnacle of conspiracy genius. The communist conspiracy will focus mainly on the permanence of the State, on the bodies that elaborate the decisions of the State or apply these decisions, organisms that are not subject to political fluctuations. Parliament, for example, is not a conducive environment for setting up a parallel structure, nor are cabinet ministers because their staff change frequently. The conspiracy does not attack the lower institutions of the state, the lower bureaucracy, because the sphere of influence of these bodies is too small. The favorite ground of the communist conspiracy, where it attaches its suction cups to parallel structures, is the high bureaucracy, that intermediate layer of officials who connect the masses of the people and the supreme authority: the administrative staff in the directions and services. A head of government or minister, no matter how brilliant, cannot make any decision without consulting his closest collaborators, without investigating the documents presented to him and which are drawn up by the specialized staff of the ministry, by experts. If a parallel structure operates in that department, then fatally the decisions of that minister will be affected by the falsified documentary material that is made available to him. The famous case of Algiers Hiss in the United States, later proved to be a communist agent, who worked on the United Nations Statute together with the representatives of the Soviets. This statute was drafted in such a way as to ensure the hegemony of the communist states in the organization of this international institution. All the members of a communist network support each other and if one of them starts to be suspected, the others jump to his aid, guaranteeing his honor. The honest official, who realizes the situation, finds himself in front of a united front. Nobody believes him and in the end he may suffer sanctions and be expelled from the institution. Against the system of parallel structures, the defense is very difficult, because the state is damaged in its very foundations. The policy of progressive capitulation of the West to communism is explained only by the existence of these structures. Even those called to look after the internal and external security of the state are in the service of world communism.


Knowing now what communism is — like a hydra penetrating with its tentacles to the most intimate springs of the state — we can move on to the problems of national defense. What can we do to keep ourselves from being devoured by this invisible monster? The first and most important principle that we must respect in the fight against communist imperialism is to know first our own identity: who are we, what do we represent, what is the flag we serve? In order to defend yourself, you must first know what you are defending: what position, what front, what idea, what political and spiritual trenches. I would like to insist on this issue, because only from here, from this precinct, from this fortress of our own covens, can we build an effective defense system against the communist danger. In order to be able to successfully face this formidable enemy, we must first delimit our world from their world, draw the line of separation between the European Christian community and communist barbarism. Communists can serve us as masters in this regard. Not only do they enclose their world with ideological obstacles, but, in order not to let any harmful influence enter their empire, they also confine it with material obstacles, with cement walls and barbed wire. If we do not know who we are and what world we are incorporating, we risk, without realizing it, going into the enemy’s camp and even turning our weapons against our own Homeland. It is a well-known fact that the first and most serious assault we have to endure from international communism is against our conception of life, against our system of values, as it has crystallized in two millennia of Christian civilization. The plan of the communist conspiracy, as it was elaborated 150 years ago and maybe even earlier, provided, as the first and most important objective, to shake the foundations of European society, to corrupt the principles that inspire its way of life. Every civilization has a certain structure, made up of certain beliefs. If this structure is altered, if the generally accepted beliefs weaken, then the world in which we live also changes its appearance. Suddenly there is a transformation in our mentality, an alienation from what we considered until then the certainty of our life, and the civilization to which we belong dries up and dies, like a plant uprooted from the earth. If communism succeeds in provoking a process of self-dissolution within Christian society and European culture, then it will be much easier for it to subjugate the peoples of this area. You cannot defend what you no longer consider a primordial value of existence. You can’t fight and die for an idea that doesn’t tell you anything, that has faded in your soul and no longer arouses any pain or enthusiasm. It is therefore well established that communism first attacks our interior, seeking to uproot us, to break us from the past, from our history, from the graves of our ancestors, from their glorious deeds, from the Church that baptized us, from the millennia that have existing plamadit. Before the peoples were subdued and subjugated, communism disorganized their vital springs so that they could no longer react with all their might to danger. The paralysis of the conservation instinct of a civilization, of a people, is basically a consequence of the paralysis that his brain has previously suffered. The greatest misfortune that can befall a people is not to suffer shortcomings, to wage heavy wars, to be conquered, but to no longer be masters of their destiny. When he arrived at this moment, all other goods were of no use to him, for he had lost his essence, his political and spiritual identity, and had become an object of history, a mere maneuvering mass, of which fate decides other forces. The invisible leaders of the communist conspiracy realized from the beginning of their destructive action that attacking the Christian world head on is counterproductive, because it can produce at least an equal reaction and then their enterprise will not prosper. In order to deceive the people, the occult leaders of communism imagined a series of intermediate ideologies, which did not seem so dangerous to the people, which disarmed their suspicions, but at the same time were corrosive enough to provoke cracks in the Christian front. These destructive ideologies, all from the same source, all conceived by the same satanized brains, have changed their label over time, calling themselves first, at the beginning of the last century, liberalism, then modernism, and today they prefer to camouflage themselves. under the name of progressivism.

1. The human being

2. Christ and the human being

3. The destructive force of communism


1. The dialectic of action

Communism is a system of action. It believes in ideas, theories, conceptions only insofar as they help to carry out the revolutionary process. Ideas have no value in themselves. They are mere tools of war. they serve to mobilize the popular masses and to stimulate their rebellious instincts. Communism is constantly changing its aspects, ways of talking, methods of struggle and even ideas. It’s like Proteus, the god of Greek mythology, who changes his appearance at will. Everything changes in communism, except the conspiracy core. Everything is fluid, everything is in disguise, because its goal is not the triumph of an ideology, but the conquest of power. everything flows. Everything can be renounced, sacrificed, even Stalin’s mummy, if it can serve to increase the communist influence in the world. Communists would be willing to convert to capitalists at some point if the interests of their revolution demanded it, or even to the most ardent Christian practitioners.

1. The conspiracy is working on a global scale

We can also offer another equally instructive example to know the coordination of communist activities on a world scale: the capitulation of Romania on August 23, 1944. In order to bring about the collapse of the Eastern Front at this point, with serious repercussions for the Axis Powers, the communist conspiracy he worked simultaneously on three levels: in Russia, in the United States and in Romania. In order to deal with this blow, that is, the destruction of the Romanian-German alliance and the penetration of Soviet divisions into the country, it was necessary for all these factors to agree. Soviet Russia has assured Romania that it will not violate its political and social regime; the Anglo-Saxon powers advised the Romanian delegates to come to terms with Russia, while the communist conspiracy working inside Romania convinced the country’s political leaders that communism had lost its former virulence. The Russian state has taken on a national character and therefore poses no danger to other states. Both the King and the political parties accepted the taming version of communism, falling into the trap. They struck Marshal Antonescu with the well-known result.

2. Cultivating contradictions

Communism uses the disturbances that occur within a nation as incendiary material to destroy its very structure, its own historical permanence. The National State has to fight not only some local phenomena of disintegration of its authority, but it is faced with an infinitely more complicated and difficult problem to solve: the association between the opposition groups and an international force. Communist agents enter their chain, who give proportions to the conflict, because they do not seek the pacification of spirits, but the crushing of the National State. The Communists called this tactic of piercing a state’s protective dam, made up of its fundamental political institutions, “cultivating internal contradictions.” In any country the communists will support those political or social currents which weaken the authority of the State and the general gear of the Nation. If the form of government of a country is monarchical, they will ally with the Republicans; if separatist tendencies are manifested in a country, they will take the side of those who represent them; if there are more denominations in one state, they will favor the interfaith struggle; if the state is multi-national or multi-racial, they will want one nation against the other or one race against the other; if a country goes through an economic crisis, they will provoke strikes and demonstrations; if the state is democratically governed, they will prefer to always support those parties that are willing to make internal and external concessions in favor of communism. They will associate in the midst of a nation with all the dissident and unstable elements of character, in order to turn them into a maneuvering mass against the National State. Of all forms of government, they will prefer democracy, because infiltration and corruption are much easier to achieve in a multi-party country. In an authoritarian regime there is only one infiltration channel within the State, and this is difficult to access, while in a democracy there are several possibilities for placing agents and influences.

3. The information trap

5. The dangers of dialogue

6. About the intelligence of the communists

Communists use a different kind of intelligence than the intelligence of a normal person. The same intelligence, the intelligence of the same man, diversifies and sharpens, according to the nature of the spiritual relationship that his ego maintains. We first have the common type of intelligence that we use in everyday life. With this intelligence we operate in 90% of cases. But if our ego is attached to the powers of evil, if it enters consciously and lucidly under the obedience of Lucifer, then our intelligence also suffers a qualitative leap. It is no longer the same intelligence, but it becomes an intelligence superior to the one we possess in a normal state. Our intelligence acquires luciferic reflexes, from whose master we have entrusted the destiny of our life. Communists are Satan’s worshipers and allies. As a result, their intelligence was refined, they became deeper, more penetrating than normal man. They operate from another plane of existence, superior to the vast majority of mankind. They are possessed and every possessed man has a huge and varied arsenal of means to impose his will. What to do then? To defeat the communists, to get out of their traps, to become like them, to acquire this kind of perverted intelligence, willing to any crime and infamy? Not at all. A Christian can use only loyal and just means. Even to the communists. But then how do we defend ourselves from them? If we remain in ordinary intelligence, we are lost. Our defeat is inevitable, because the communists are acting from a new higher plane of existence. No, we cannot remain in this state of intellectual inferiority either. Luckily for us and our salvation, we have an antidote, which nullifies and exceeds the treacherous intelligence of the communists. There is also a third type of intelligence, inaccessible to communists: intelligence of a divine nature. Christ advised us to be “gentle as doves, and wise as serpents.” He advises us to have an intelligence that matches at least the intelligence of the serpent, but softened, purified by the gentleness of Christian love. This type of intelligence, which has its roots in Christian love, has no rival in mankind. When we confront the communists with intelligence connected to the Divine Nature, we instantly gain superiority over the adversary. All their attacks, all their races, all their maneuvers fall helplessly in front of the screen of our intelligence, when it is illuminated by the Divine Spirit. Of course, to achieve this degree of intellectual perfection we must first undergo an inner purifying bath. We must free ourselves from self-interest and selfishness in order to serve only the Truth. We must start a new life, based on the idea of sacrifice. Not for us, for our lusts, for our glory, but to serve the world of which we are a part, with its values, with its faith, with its love.

7. Modern iconoclasts

8. « Fascism, it shall not pass »

9. Can communism collapse from within?

10. Communist poly-centrism

11. Convergence theory

12. Communist humanism

13. The art of the possible

14. Political realism and political reality

15. Generational conflict

16. Consumer society

17. United Europe and Communism

18. Peace criminals

19. Two steps forward, one step back

20. Lenin’s plan

21. The center of gravity of the battle

22. You will all be killed!

23. Some rules of action

24. Standing!

We must throw in the battle against communism the immense forces that our Christian personality makes available to us. Our intelligence is sharpened, our will is strengthened, and our soul is filled with boundless confidence in victory when we place ourselves under God’s protection. Obviously, it is not enough to pray to the Almighty and then retreat to our old comforts. Oh, no. We must not forget that man is a free being and, having this characteristic, God cannot substitute his own decision. God wants man to become a collaborator of his, in the fight that has been heated today all over the globe against the Establishment founded by the Savior. He helps only those who help themselves, those who defend the flag of Christ, and not those who desert from under that flag. In the face of the immensity of danger and the apparent weakness of our strength, let us invoke the help of Christ, remembering His exhortation, “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!”

Note: The excerpts presented here are excerpts from the respective chapters, the passages in each excerpt not necessarily connected in the original text. For simplicity, however, I gave up the suspension points.


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